Is a non- profit publication that started in 1996 with the goal to be of help to the Filipino workers in Taiwan especially those who can not have a day off from their work. It now incorporates other articles of different languages from other ministry group of the Taiwan Expatriate Caring Committee and prayerfully and hopefully more pages and articles for more souls for His Kingdom here in Taiwan.

Kaibigan Magazine now prints 8,400 copies bimonthly by God's will and help. We will need all of your prayers that Kaibigan magazine can reach more people for the glory of God. With God all things are possible.

(Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.").

The magazine is made possible also by the donations and prayers from friends and subscribers and by Taipei International Church - Tagalog Fellowship.

You can be a partner of Kaibigan to help the guest workers (foreign contract workers ) by praying for us or if you would like to send a donation especially for the postage. You can send it to:

SMS request for magazine, write your complete name, address with zip code 0972921681

or deposit it to:

Bank: Mega International Commercial Bank
Acct. name: 中華民國國際基督徒親善協會
Acct. number: 02110244630

Your donation to assist in proclaiming the gospel of God to the world are gratefully accepted and are tax-deductible in the United States and in Taiwan.

For more information please email our
Kaibigan Magazine Managing Director: